Unlock N981U Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G

Liberar Samsung Note 20 SM-N981U

En este post les comparto la manera de hacer unlock al dispositivo Samsung N981U de la compañía de T-Mobile pero también funciona con las de Metropcs, Verizon, etc..

Para realizar el proceso necesitamos de la herramienta de magma tool que consume 35 créditos , cabe destacar que este modelo se necesita de TOKEN para facilitar el trabajo, lo puedes adquirir en servidores.

Log del desbloqueo, liberación Note 20 5G SM-G981U

Setting up ADB…OK
Checking ADB Devices…OK
Reading Device info…OK
Security Patch: 2020-07-01
Device Model: SM-N981U
Device Factory: samsung
Device CPU: arm64-v8a
Device Hardware: qcom
Device data encryption: unencrypted
Security Patch: 2020-07-01
Device SDK: 29
Android version: 10
Device Firmware: FAQ0_N981USQU1ATG8
Device warranty bit: 0
Sales Code: SPR
Carrier ID: TMB
Device bootloader: FAQ0_N981USQU1ATG8
Serial Number: RFCN804W4PM
Baseband Version: N981USQU1ATG6,N981USQU1ATG6
IMEI: 355298661107020
Root check: Not detected
Reading Modem Data…OK
Checking device…OK
Detecting device requirements…OK
Requesting data from server…OK
Request ID….247114
Waiting for response…OK
Checking Cert data…OK
Writing MSL Auth…OK
Authorizing Akseed…OK
Preparing for unlock…OK
Writing signature…OK
Requesting data from server…OK
Request ID….247115
Waiting for response…OK
Checking Cert data…OK
Writing Blob Auth…OK
Operation Finished successfully
Please reboot device manually
Put SIM Card in the device and reboot it and
If device asks for unlock code; enter (00000000)
Operation Finished (01:02) By MagmaTool Version 9.3
Work ID: 1797489

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